I’ve added a book to the Anna J. McIntyre bookshelf over at Amazon. It’s something I wrote almost two years ago – American Bondage, under the pen name, Sallie Holt. It’s actually a short story, not a book. I suppose some might consider it controversial, considering it’s about a hot topic – abortion. In the story my intent was not to create good guys or bad guys – but basically all good guys – trapped by their own belief systems and viewed either negatively or positively by other characters, based not on the character’s actual goodness, but by personal experiences.
I initially published the story under Sallie Holt – the name of my great-grandmother who died in her early twenties. She left behind four young children, and according to a cousin, she died during childbirth.
I’ve decided to add Anna J. McIntyre’s name to Sallie Holt’s at Amazon, to give the title a little more exposure. You can find the story at other venues – like Barnes & Noble and Apple, under Sallie Holt.